Friday, 17 August 2012

Description and Physical Characteristics of Cuttlefish and Giant Octopus

General Description of a Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish are aquatic animals and belong to the Cephalopoda class . Actually Cuttlefish are not fish but they are molluscs. Cuttlefish eats small molluscs, crabs, shrimp, fish, octopuses, worms, and other cuttlefish. The killers of cuttle fish are dolphins, sharks, fish, seals, seabirds and other cuttlefish. Their expected life span is about one to two years. The cuttlefish is the most intelligent invertebrates among their species. Cuttlefish also possesses one of the largest brain-to-body size ratios of all invertebrates.

General Description of a Giant Octopus

Octopus is a kind of generally moderate octopuses. The members of the genus are distinguished by their large size and are generally called the giant octopuses. The giant octopuses have longitudinal wrinkles or creases dorsally and laterally on their body. The head of the giant is narrower than the width of the layer. The hectocotylus of the male giant octopus is on the third right arm. This hectocotylus is long and tapered when compared to other genus in the family Octopodidae.

Physical Features of The Cuttle Fish

The cuttlefish looks like a picture having eight arms. The origin of the name of the cuttle fish provides some insight into its look. The pupils in the eyes of the cuttlefish are in W in shape. This w-shape pupils enable the cuttlefish to get a deep vision in deep sea conditions. The eyes of the cuttlefish have two concentrated points of sensors. One sensor is in the front to look forward and the other which is located back enables the cuttlefish to look backward. The cuttlefish has the capability to change its body color in different shades for different purposes like contacts, protection, to attract its mate and catching its prey. The cuttlefish does not actually Swim but float with the help of its cuttle bones.

Physical Features of The Giant Octopus

The giant octopus has eight numbers of flexible arms and these arms will follow the fish when it swims. Most of the giant octopus squeeze through firm places since they are not having the interior or exterior skeleton. The giant octopus has strong beak and its mouth is at the central point of the arms. The giant octopuses are the most intelligent among its species. It will save itself from its predators by hiding, rapid fleeing, splitting ink like liquid and changing the color of the body. This giant octopus is similar to other cephalopods, with two eyes and four pairs of arms.

Cuttle Fish as a Dish

Cuttlefish are used as food in many parts around the world. It is an important and delicious food for the people in East Asia and Mediterranean sea., This octopus is very famous in Spain and where it is chiefly used in pastas and rice. It is popularly used as snack in many countries.

Giant Octopus as a Dish

Most People around the world use octopus meat as a side dish for the wine. The recipe chili lemon octopus is a very famous recipe and is admired by the people all over the world. This total time for the preparation of this recipe is only 25 minutes. Visit Cuttlefish by siamcanadian.

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