A species of fish that spend most of its life in streams or ponds in which the water is totally salt-free, is called fresh water fish. The name itself refers that the fresh water fish lives only in fresh water which is salt-free. The fresh water fish require a variety of bodily adapting to live in fresh water. Some freshwater fish eats worms, caterpillars, insects, and smaller fish. Largest freshwater fish fish eat small mammals or frogs. The seawater fish is found in seas and oceans. Some seawater fish eats plants and algae and some eat fishes.
Tissues and Gills of Freshwater Fish
The gills of the freshwater fish should be competent to disperse melted gasses during retaining the salts in the body liquids inside. The scales of the fresh water fish decrease water dispersal through the skin and if the decrease in scales goes to maximum level , the fish will die.
As far as the fresh water fish is concerned its tissues contain more water than the water in which they live. So a large amount of water will goes into the body of the freshwater fish through its skin and gills. So the fresh water fish has no necessity to drink large amounts of water. Since more water enters into the body of the fresh water fish , the fish will produce large amounts of urine.
Tissues and Gills of Seawater Fish
The salt water fish owns healthy kidneys to get back salts from the liquids of the body before emission. The natural atmosphere of the seawater fish is stable and they are not readily compatible with the main changes in water and temperature.
The tissues in the body of a seawater fish contain less salt than the water they live. The seawater fish will disperse water through its skin and grills as the salty atmosphere outside the water draws water from the tissues of the body of the seawater fish. To avoid dehydration the seawater fish drinks more salt water and dispose little urine. To compensate and prevent dehydration, a saltwater fish drink large quantities of salt water, and emits salt from this water through its gills. When a seawater fish is put into the fresh water it will die.
Differences Between Seawater Fishes and Fresh Water Fishes
There is a vast difference between a fresh water fish and a salt water fish as far as the physical condition and the nature of habitats are concerned.
• Freshwater fishes are capable to survive in different variety of habitats whereas Seawater fishes are capable to survive in salt water habitats only.
• The size of the freshwater fish ranges from an inch in length to big size of 400 pounds in weight whereas the seawater fish range from 0.47 inches to 13 meters in length and 21 tonnes weight.
• Freshwater fish possess gills that operate to disperse water when ensuring physical solutions stay inside the fish. Freshwater fish have great, healthy kidneys that are capable to process huge quantities of water. The seawater fish lose huge quantities of bodily liquids through their gills due to osmosis. As salty water is less diluted than the bodily liquids of the fish, the salt water flows in to restore the internal liquids to form stability. For more information visit seawater fish by siamcanadian.
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