Thursday 24 January 2013

Squid As Seafood

Fancy for Squid

Squid forms to be a very popular dish in many areas of the world. As the country differs the way the squid is prepared also differs accordingly. For the people who happen to be diehard fans of seafood will simply love to experiment with the various ways in which it prepared. It is generally served as an appetizer in the restaurants with the variety of sauces that as per the taste. Moreover in many areas around the Mediterranean sea, it is also called calamari that has become its culinary name in English language. In fact it is Japan where you can come across the highest consumption of squid in the world. In fact the world is yet to learn about the various recipes that Japan boasts of.

The Popular Ways of Consuming Squid

Though there are many ways in which Squid consumed all across the globe, the unbeatable and most delectable recipe is where it is served as a starter with fried squids with the accompaniments of just the salt and lemon. In fact with little variations it is served with various sauces that make it all the more interesting an appetizer for restaurants. Fried squid legs as well as the rings are also enjoyed with the chips and dips of personal preferences.

Where Squid Is Popular?

Squid as a delectable cuisine can be commonly found in the fish and chip shop in the streets of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It should not be termed as calamari when it is sold as a whole animal. But once it is prepared it is called so for any of the species of squid that can be even a cuttlefish. The term calamari has to be used only for the northern and Southern calamari. Excluding the beak and the pen of the animal the parts of the animal are edible and in fact are used for different reasons in different recipes. The animal has an ink in its tentacles that is used in the making pasta, risotto as well as other Italian cuisine.

The Cuttlefish Diet

Another close relative of squid that is called the cuttlefish is also eaten in the similar regions and is considered quite a delicacy. Although one needs to make sure that they know the right way to make the cuttlefish as the ink that it has can be more toxin and unfit for consumption if not dealt with care and caution. In fact in the places like Portugal the typical cuttlefish recipe is where it is served grilled alongside the sauce that is prepared in its own ink.

The Italian Connection

The Italian seems to be incomplete without the cuttlefish and the squid that gives it the typical color of the cuisine. For the pasta as well as risottos it is considered something very essential as flavoring.

Ink of the Squids

The ink of the cuttlefish and the squids has been used in many of the industries as a dye. It is fast replacing the artificial dye that is used as the coloring agent.

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